Board Staff

Vikki Erickson, LCSW, Executive Director

Reach out to Vikki if you need to address any of the following - 

  • Licensing with a legal history or license sanction history
  • Accusations of wrongdoing against a licensed social worker
  • Nevada law and legislative issues

Sandy Lowery, LCSW, LCADC, Deputy Director

Reach out to Sandy if you need to address any of the following - 

  • Initial applications for licensure
  • Licensure by endorsement from another state
  • Post-graduate internship program
  • Any problems with the online licensing process

Chelsea Benegas, Licensing Specialist

Reach out to Chelsea if you need to address any of the following -

  • Fingerprint waivers
  • Submission of electronic transcripts
  • Renewals
  • Exams
  • Continuing Education (CEUs)
  • Requesting verification of a Nevada license to be sent to another state