Association of Social Work Boards Appointment
We are delighted to announce that our Executive Director, Vikki Erickson, LCSW was elected to the national Association for Social Work Board's (ASWB) eleven member Board of Directors in November 2024. She serves as the Administrative representative to the Board and brings valuable "boots on the ground" insights into licensing and regulation.
Language Access Plan
In the 2023 Legislative Session, AB 266 was passed. This bill, part of NRS 232, addresses the barriers persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) face in accessing governmental programs and services. The bill requires State agencies that receive "public money" to develop a Language Access Plan to provide timely access for persons with LEP to the programs and services of those agencies and entities.
The Board of Examiners for Social Workers (BESW), like all the other Occupational Boards, does not receive any "public money" (also called "general fund" money) from the State. Our revenue is solely based on application and renewal fees. Additionally, Occupational Boards do not provide "programs and services" to the general public. Our audience is individual seeking and maintaining social work licensure.
That said, BESW will attempt to comply with the spirit of AB 266 as it applies to licensing of social workers. The attached document is our Language Access Plan and will be available for public comment until 10/31/2024. Anyone wishing to comment out the plan should contact Victoria Erickson, LCSW, Executive Director at
Board's Strategic Plan
The attached documents provide more information in to the details of our plan.